Scooters offer a great transportation alternative. They are more engaging than passively sitting in a car. They are more affordable than a motorcycle. It's no wonder scooters are becoming a more common sight on the open road.

But before you go for a ride, it helps to review essential safe riding tips. We've gathered up the following strategies to promote a stress-free and problem-free trip. If you have any questions or want to explore scooters for sale, visit Revel 42 - Wilmington. Our dealership is based in Wilmington, North Carolina, and we also proudly serve those in Leland and Carolina Beach.

Be A Defensive Driver

Part of the appeal of a scooter is its compact size. But the small frame means you'll always be surrounded by much larger vehicles. If you got into a collision, the size difference would make the accident more dangerous for you. That's why it's crucial to use defensive driving habits to reduce the chances of an accident.

Start by leaving plenty of space between you and the other motorists. If someone suddenly slams on their brakes, you'll have enough time and distance to come to a stop...before colliding with their vehicle.

Next, keep drivers' blind spots in mind. Drivers often make sudden lane changes or turns. If your scooter is in their blind spot, they may move without seeing you and cause an accident. Make sure you are visible to other motorists and be extra cautious when you change lanes.

Finally, be on guard for motorists driving dangerously. Red flag behaviors include swerving, going exceptionally fast, or going exceptionally slow. The driver may be texting, drunk, upset, or something else that compromises their focus. Get far away from these vehicles because they are at higher risk of causing an accident.

Monitor Road Conditions

Scooters are not all-terrain vehicles designed to conquer any type of road condition. They are designed with smooth and hazard-free city riding in mind. It's important to stay mindful of road conditions and adjust your scooter driving accordingly.

One common compromised road condition is a wet road, which can be caused by rain or other vehicles spilling substances. The road's surface will be slick, which makes it harder for your scooter to maintain traction. If you encounter a wet road, reduce your speed and avoid sudden changes in direction or speed. This approach will help you avoid a slide out.

Get The Gear For Scooter Driving

Safe scooter driving requires safety gear. First, you need safety gear that makes you stand out on the road. When you improve your visibility to other motorists, you increase the chance that they see you and reduce the chance of an accident. Throw on brightly-colored attire with reflective parts.

Second, you need safety gear that protects you from the hazards of weather and the road. Start with a well-fitting and crash-tested helmet. Then get durable full-length clothing to protect your skin. Add sturdy gloves and riding boots to improve your grip. Finally, throw on some type of hearing protection. Riding a scooter may not seem like the loudest activity, but you can actually face hearing damage due to all the noise pollution. A simple pair of earplugs are all you need. Once you gather up all the gear, you can enjoy safe scooter driving.

We hope you found this guide to safe scooter driving helpful. If you want more scooter driving tips or want to shop scooters for sale, head over to Revel 42 - Wilmington. Our expert staff can answer questions, give advice, provide suggestions, and assist you with whatever you need. You'll find our dealership in Wilmington, North Carolina. We also proudly serve those in Leland and Carolina Beach, North Carolina.